How can technology be used to support a sustainable supply-chains in the Consumer sector?

Technology based solutions to supplier engagement offer a range of capabilities that support consumer businesses in addressing sustainability challenges in their supply chain, by promoting transparency, accountability, and collaboration.

Our recent C-suite barometer 2024 report revealed that reviewing supply chains, operations and processes is top of the agenda for global C-suite executives. In addition, human rights have emerged as the second biggest ESG area, where senior executives feel they lack in-house expertise.

One of the most significant challenges for consumer businesses operating with a global, multi-tier supply chain is ensuring that human and labour rights are upheld in the sourcing of raw materials and the manufacturing of their products. This includes addressing issues such as forced and child labour, which remain highly prevalent globally, in both developed and developing nations. The most recent global estimates from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) suggest nearly 50 million people are victims of modern slavery globally – an increase of 10 million since the 2016 global estimates. This is a problem on the rise, despite legislation increasingly placing requirements on businesses to do more to prevent it. …

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